Nautilus 1994 June
Nautilus CD Magazine Volume 4-6 June 1994 Windows Edition.mdf
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Text File
298 lines
W i n N E T (TM) M a i l a n d N e w s
Copyright (c) 1994 by Computer Witchcraft, Inc.
Computer Witchcraft, Inc.
Post Office Box 4189
Louisville, KY 40204
Telephone: (502) 589-6800
Fax: (502) 589-7300
Internet Mail: winnet@win.net
CompuServe Mail: 76130,1463
Note: This file assumes that you are planning to use
Computer Witchcraft as your Internet/Usenet service
provider. If that is not the case, please read the file
ALT.TXT instead of this file for introductory information.
Please read this file *carefully* before installing or
attempting to use WinNET Mail. Getting WinNET set up on
your system is quite straight-forward, but if you don't
read this file before getting started, you will overlook
important information necessary for proper operation of
the software.
C o n t e n t s
What is WinNET?
What you need to Run WinNET
Costs of Using WinNET Mail
Setting up WinNET Mail on Your System
Upgrading From an Earlier Version of WinNET
Problems with WinNET Setup
Distribution of WinNET Mail
W h a t i s W i n N E T ?
WinNET Mail (TM) is a Windows 3.1 application for
sending and receiving Electronic Mail and News articles with
the world-wide Internet and Usenet networks using just your
Windows system and a modem. The connection with the
Internet and Usenet is provided through Computer
Witchcraft's computer system providing WinNET (SM)
service, or through the provider of your choice. If
you do not use Computer Witchcraft's service, WinNET
is shareware software with a registration fee of $99.00.
W h a t y o u n e e d t o R u n W i n N E T
1. Intel 80386/486/Pentium system
with a miuimum of 2 Mbytes RAM.
2. Microsoft Windows, version 3.1, OR Chicago
OR Microsoft NT OR OS/2.
3. A Hayes compatible modem.
4. A UUCP provider -- For WinNET to be able to
communicate with the rest of the Internet, you need to
have a UUCP service provider (unix-to-unix-copy).
WinNET comes with a module that allows you to set up a
UUCP account with Computer Witchcraft, Inc., via its
1-800 telephone number (or, if you like by a direct
dial number). Alternatively, you may use WinNET with
a provider of your own choosing.
Provider notes:
The WinNET software is designed to work "hand and glove"
Computer Witchcraft's Internet/Usenet (UUCP) service.
However, the software has been carefully tested and works
well with other UUCP providers as well. If you decide to
use WinNET with another provider, please see the file
ALT.TXT for useful information.
C o s t s o f u s i n g W i n N E T M a i l
The WinNET Mail software is provided to you free of charge
for the purpose of connecting with the WinNET system. The
WinNET system is your connection with the Internet and Usenet
networks and usage is billed to you on a connect time
The rate for on-line usage of the WinNET system is:
$8.00 per hour.
There is a monthly minimum charge of $9.95 while you
have an account with us. This means that if you use less than
$9.95 worth of connect time (billed at $8.00 per hour), you
will be billed the minimum of $9.95.
There is a per account minimum charge of $9.95. Accounts
created and then ended shortly thereafter will be billed at
minimum $9.95.
Unlike many on-line services and bulletin boards, you are
only connected to WinNET for just long enough to send or
receive any pending E-Mail at speeds as fast as your modem
will go. This results in connection times of typically 1 to
just a few minutes. In our experience, customers average
1.75 hours of connect time per month or just $14.00 in
charges. See TERMS.TXT for full details.
U.S. 1-800 Number Service
Computer Witchcraft also offers a very economical 1-800 number
service that can be used to access us. This is *optional* --
it is fine to call our direct number if your location is
local to ours, or if you have a calling plan with your long
distance company that provides a savings. Our rates for
1-800 number service are:
M-F, 8am-5pm(ET): 18 cents/min
All other times: 12 cents/min
(Computer Witchcraft also has a Canadian 800 service,
1-800-284-6599. See TERMS.TXT for rates.)
S e t t i n g u p W i n N E T M a i l
o n Y o u r S y s t e m
Following are instructions for setting up WinNET Mail on
your system.
STEP 1. If you received WinNET from CompuServe or some
other electronic bulletin board, create a temporary
directory and copy the wnmail.zip file to this directory.
Run the pkunzip prgram (commonly available shareware from
PKWARE) to unzip the wnmail.zip file in this directory.
STEP 2. From the Windows program manager File menu, or
directly from the Window's File Manage program, Run the
SETUP.EXE program supplied with the WinNET distribution.
Use the More Information button to get more information on
each screen.
STEP 3. Run the CWI Account Setup program (ACCOUNT.EXE).
This will ask you for billing and credit card information.
The program will call the Computer Witchcraft WinNET server
and submit your account request. After a one minute
pause, the program will call back to verify that the
account was accepted.
All account requests will be accepted unless the System
Name that you choose under SETUP is already taken by
another WinNET customer. If the account request is not
successful, you will need to re-run SETUP, select a different
System Name, and re-run the account program.
U p g r a d i n g f r o m a n
e a r l i e r v e r s i o n o f W i n N E T
The instructions for upgrading a previous version of
WinNET are basically the same as outlined in the above
steps describing a new installation. Make sure that you
put the distribution .zip file wnmail.zip in a *temporary*
directory before you start (NOT the directory that
currently contains WinNET) and run setup from this
temporary directory. When you are asked to specify the
directory where WinNET should be installed, specify the
same directory where your old copy of WinNET was
installed. This will cause the setup program to overwrite
the old WinNET files with the files from the new version.
Your old setup parameters will be detected and appear as
the defaults in the setup process.
P r o b l e m s w i t h W i n N E T S e t u p
The most likely source of problems that you may have with
WinNET Mail is the SETUP Communications Parameters:
1. Make sure that the COM port is set to the port that
your modem uses.
2. Make sure that the interface speed it not set faster
than your modem can handle.
3. Verify that the telephone number being dialed will
work correctly from your facility and area.
The telephone number of the WinNET server is:
(502) 589-4131
Which is located in Louisville Kentucky,
U.S.A. If you are local to Louisville, use
589-4131. You may also need to add digits
to obtain an outside line or for credit card
You can verify that these settings work for your system by
using the Windows Terminal program. You can also check that
the modem strings supplied on the Communications Parameters
screen work with you modem as well.
Please see TROUBLE.TXT for more possibilities.
D i s t r i b u t i o n o f W i n N E T M a i l (TM)
That said, we very much encourage distribution of this
product, under the following conditions:
1. Any person serving as a distributor of WinNET Mail (TM)
must retain exactly the original form of the
Computer Witchcraft, Inc., distribution by including
ALL files in unmodified condition.
The following files that are included with the WinNET
Mail (TM) distribution:
2. Owners or operators of Electronic Bulletin Boards
(EBB's), such as CompuServe, may acquire or accept, and
then distribute copies of WinNET Mail (TM) through
their EBB service, subject to the conditions above, and
may further do so in the context of charging subscribers
to their services a general fee for belonging to the
membership of the service, and/or for time on-line, as
long as these charges are not specifically related to
overt sale of the WinNET Mail (TM) product. This should
in no way be construed as relinquishment, by Computer
Witchcraft, Inc., of its copyright protection and sole
ownership of WinNET Mail (TM).
3. Persons wishing to contact Computer Witchcraft, Inc.,
for the purpose of negotiating limited distribution
rights for WinNET Mail (TM) should review the file
VENDOR.TXT, included with this distribution, which
contains an application form that distributors may use
to initiate the process.
4. Any persons possessing a bona fide copy of WinNET Mail
(TM) as originally distributed by Computer
Witchcraft, Inc., may freely copy and distribute the
product to whomever they like, as long as exactly the
original form of the distribution is retained, by
including ALL files, in unmodified condition,
especially but not limited to all documentation files,
as long as they assess no fees beyond those required for
materials needed in distributing the product, i.e.,
matching exactly the cost of floppy disks, mailing
materials and costs, or long-distance phone charges
relevant to electronic distribution.
5. With the exceptions of EBB operators, under the
conditions described above, and that of persons entering
into written contractual distribution agreements with
Computer Witchcraft, Inc., other persons engaged in the
distribution of software for profit ARE EXPLICITLY
PROHIBITED from marketing or selling, in any form, any
files or parts of files, or modified versions of files,
that are part of Computer Witchcraft's distribution.
6. Developers of software products who incorporate ANY
portion of the binary portions of the author's product,
or who copy features or aspects of the user-interface of
the product subject to protection by the laws of
copyright, SHALL BE PROSECUTED, unless they have the
express, written permission of Computer Witchcraft,
Inc., to do so.